This article from the Indiana Resource Center for Autism describes how to teach self-management skills to individuals with ASD. Self-management strategies can be used to support goal-setting skills.
Specific lesson topics in this book include problem-solving, goal-setting, and overcoming challenges. Each lesson utilizes evidence-based practices and each lesson outline includes: instructional format, learning objective, content area application, materials, procedures, and modifications. The lessons can be implemented in home, school, or in the community and can be adapted for various ages and ability levels.
This book provides strategies for instruction in areas that include self-management, self-regulation, executive function, goal-setting, and communication. Strategies to foster effort and persistence within goal setting include modeling and practicing class-wide goal-setting, incorporating special interests, quality and consistent feedback, and visual supports.
This curriculum is designed for 8-11 year old students with autism who have intact language and cognitive skills. The goal of its' implementation is to increase cognitive flexibility and executive functioning, having a positive impact on social competencies. Setting and achieving goals using "goal-plan-do-check" is a targeted outcome, with opportunities provided for instruction, application, and practice. In addition, students learn to prioritize between goals to choose target goals.
This resource from the University of Oklahoma Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment focuses on the three strands of: choosing goals; expressing goals; and taking action and addresses objectives in the areas of education, employment, and personal. The lessons included can be used with a variety of content in general or special education.
ASD On The Go is a multi-component intervention for adolescents and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), created by the University of Kansas, in partnership with Purdue University. The intervention is individualized and focuses on enhancing social communication, organization/planning, and problem-solving skills. Individuals with ASD will receive support through three components: (1) online instructional modules, (2) coaching, and (3) self-monitoring. ASD On The Go is most appropriate for increasing engagement in community, employment, and school settings.
The "I'm Determined" project is a state directed project funded by the Virginia Department of Education. This project focuses on providing direct instruction, models, and opportunities to students with disabilities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior, including the core component of goal-setting. Lesson plans are included for all of the core components of self-determination. In the area of goal-setting templates for individualized "goal plans" are included that students can use to visually represent their identified goals and the steps needed to accomplish them. Besides the printable templates, both an ipad and web app are available for students to create their goal plans.