Understanding Indicator 7: Early Childhood Outcomes
Indicator 7 measures the percent of preschool children aged 3 through 5 with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) who demonstrate improvement in:
- positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships);
- acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and
- use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
Early Childhood Outcomes: Improving the Quality of Data Through Training and Technical Assistance (PPT) Session from the 2022 KSDE SET Summer Leadership Conference.
Kansas State Indicator 7 Fact Sheet -This one-page summary provides an overview of the data sources and requirements of indicator 7.
Indicator 7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - This provides answers to frequently asked questions for Kansas Preschool Outcomes Part B/619 Programs.
2021 KSDE/TASN Summer Leadership Conference Presentation Indicator 7 This video recording (18:47 minutes) / PDF Slides provides an overview of Kansas Early Childhood Outcome reporting and data.
Outcome Web System
Child Outcome Team Ratings
Child Outcome Summary (COS) Process Training - PPT from the 2024 spring workshop. Provides a PPT that can be adapted by programs for training staff.
Blank COS Form - link to a paper version of the COS Form.
Decision Tree for Early Childhood Outcome Summary Rating Discussions - This decision tree can be used by teams to guide the discussion related to COS ratings.
Definitions for Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Ratings - Summary definitions to use with the 7-point decision tree.
Documenting the Basis for the Rating - Tool that can be used by teams for discussion around foundational skills, immediate foundational skills, and age appropriate skills.
Child Outcome Summary (COS) Process Discussion Prompts - ideas for some questions or prompts that could be used to elicit conversation about a child's functioning with regard to the three early childhood outcomes.
- Kim Case Study Materials - Activity Instructions, 35 month assessment summary, 35 month background information, outcome 3 documentation.
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) Early Childhood Outcome Webpage The resources on this webpage were developed to support states implementation of the early childhood outcome requirement of a IDEA. Resource include information about the child outcome summary processes, data, and the outcome measurement.
Child Outcome Summary (COS) Process Quick Reference Guide - Snapshots of the COS process, including characteristics of child outcomes and functional skills, the breadth and depth of each outcome area, key features of COS ratings, and criteria related to the 7-point scale
A Family Guide to Participating in the Child Outcomes Measurement Process - Developed by the National Parent Technical Assistance Center
Federal Reporting Categories for Child Outcomes Data - Describes the progress categories for Early Childhood Outcomes Data
Kansas ECO Indicator 7 Data Drilldown Guide - This document reviews the Indicator 7 data and provides information about how data from the OWS is used to determine APR data.
For questions concerning Indictor 7 contact Amanda Petersen, KSDE Early Childhood Director.
For information regarding in person training on ECO ratings, data entry, or other early childhood special education questions, request assistance through TASN.