Indicator 12: Early Childhood Transition

Understanding Indicator 12: Early Childhood Transition

Indicator 12 measures the percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthdays.

Kansas Resources

Kansas Early Childhood Transition from IDEA Part C to Part B - This document contains information about Part C Indicator 8 and Part B Indicator 12, required steps and common questions. 

Kansas Indicator 12 FAQs - This document contains frequently asked questions with responses from the Kansas State Department of Education.

Indicator 12: Memorandum of Agreement-IDEA Transition C to B - The memorandum of agreement between the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) to assure attainment of mutual goals between agencies and their programs for the provision of early intervention and preschool special education services.

Transition from Part C to B Resources from the Kansas Inservice Training System (KITS) - This webpage provides resources on the process of transition for children with disabilities and their families from Part C to Part B in Kansas; including formal structures, data collection, evidence based transition practices, and continuous improvement.

Indicator 12: Part C to Part B Early Childhood Transition Timeline for SPP/APR Indicators C8 &B12- This one page document outlines the transition timelines related to the referral between part C and part B services.

Federal IDEA Part C & Part B Transition Requirements for Late Referrals to IDEA Part C (≤135 days before child’s 3rd birthday) - The attached timeline chart was developed as a technical assistance (TA) document by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) TA Priority Team on Early Childhood Transition.

Part C to Part B LEA/SEA Electronic Referral (CBER) System -  CBER Instructions: CBER Part B User's Guide This referral system is used by Kansas Part C and Part B programs to share information about children transitioning between programs and  ensure each program is able to meet their respective timelines.

Kansas Special Education Process Handbook Chapter 2 Screening and General Education Interventions - Provides the Kansas requirements and process for Child Find. 

Kansas Special Education Process Handbook Chapter 3 Initial Evaluation and Eligibility - Provides the Kansas requirements and process for determining eligibility for special education services.

Policy Letter: OSEP response to Nix (3-17-2023) - OSEP’s Policy Letter to Jennifer Nix clarifies the requirements and responsibilities of State lead agencies, local educational agencies (LEAs) and State educational agencies (SEAs). Letter to Nix addresses early childhood transition requirements related to transition plan, transition notification, transition conference, referral and late referrals, and reporting responsibilities.

Indicator 12: National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center Transition from Part C to Preschool The resources on this webpage were developed to support state's implementation of the early childhood transition requirement of IDEA.

Connect Module 2: Transition - This module examines intentional activities to support transition planning and covers a decision-making process to help a child and family prepare and adjust to a new environment.

For questions concerning Indictor 12 contact KSDE Amanda Petersen, KSDE Early Childhood Director.

For information regarding training around Indicator 12 or other early childhood special education questions, request assistance through TASN.

Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.