KPIRC Resources

Growing Graduates  informs families what they need to know to prevent their children from dropping out of school. 

Family Engagement: A Critical Component to Building an Empowering Culture in the Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS)  includes the PTA National Standards for Family School Partnerships which focuses on what families, schools, and communities can do together to support positive student outcomes. Family Engagement is a key aspect of Kansas MTSS. For this reason, schools must make a concerted effort to involve families as early as possible.  

Kansas College & Career Ready Standards for Science  provides an overview of why new science standards have been adopted, a glimpse of A Framework for K-12 Science Education and family fun science activities that can be done at home. 

Social, Emotional & Character Development (SECD) Standards  were endorsed by the Kansas State Board of Education in 2012 to provide schools with a framework for integrating social-emotional learning and character development into a child’s education. The SECD Standards help students learn, practice, and model, essential personal life skills and habits that contribute to academic, vocational, and personal success.

A Family Guide to Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) reviews the basic components of any MTSS process and includes questions you might want to ask your child's school to learn more about the MTSS process. Also included are ways you can get involved in the process and what to do and where to go if you have questions or concerns.

A Family Guide to Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS)  is a system that is developed by a school for improving student behavior. This booklet will provide families in depth information about this system.

MTSS - Helping Your Child Grow, Learn & Succeed   This booklet targets the area of reading in MTSS, the Multi-Tier System of Supports It is a framework to help schools and teachers give every Kansas child the right type of support to learn, grow and succeed.  

A Family Guide to Math in a Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS)  This booklet targets the area of math in MTSS, the Multi-Tier System of Supports.  It is a framework to help schools and teachers give every Kansas child the right type of support to learn, grow and succeed. 

Kansas College & Career Ready  Ensuring that students become college and career ready is the focus of 21st Century educators. This involves engaging students in relevant learning experiences so they are prepared for their future. This document gives an insight into helping your child become college and career ready.

Attendance Matters - Build the Habit of Good Attendance Early  This document offers great tips for families on why school success goes hand in hand with good attendance.

Attendance Matters - Keeping Your Child on Track in Middle and High School  Tips for families of middle and high school students on the importance of attendance in school.

Understood  is 15 nonprofit organizations that have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey.  With the right support, parents can help children unlock their strengths and reach their full potential. With state-of-the-art technology, personalized resources, free daily access to experts, a secure online community, practical tips and more, Understood aims to be that support.

Working Together is a resource for educators on family engagement.

A Family Guide to Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS) (Spanish) is a system that is developed by a school for improving student behavior. This booklet will provide families in depth information about this system. 

A Family Guide to Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) (Spanish) reviews the basic components of any MTSS process and includes questions you might want to ask your child's school to learn more about the MTSS process. Also included are ways you can get involved in the process and what to do and where to go if you have questions or concerns.

MTSS - Helping Your Child Grow, Learn & Succeed (Spanish) targets the area of reading in MTSS, the Multi-Tier System of Supports It is a framework to help schools and teachers give every Kansas child the right type of support to learn, grow and succeed.   

10 Ways to Prepare Your Teen for College & Work is a family guide to help your teen develop college and career competencies.  

Mathematics Standards Guide for Parents - Kindergarten  provides a summary of what your child will learn by the end of Kindergarten in mathematics in the state of Kansas. This guide will also give some examples of the mathematics in Kindergarten so you can assist your child.

Mathematics Standards Guide for Parents - 1st Grade  provides a summary of what your child will learn by the end of first grade in mathematics in the state of Kansas. This guide will also give some examples of the mathematics in first grade so you can assist your child.

Mathematics Standards Guide for Parents - 2nd Grade  provides a summary of what your child will learn by the end of second grade in mathematics in the state of Kansas. This guide will also give some examples of the mathematics in second grade so you can assist your child.

Mathematics Standards Guide for Parents - 3rd Grade  provides a summary of what your child will learn by the end of third grade in mathematics in the state of Kansas. This guide will also give some examples of the mathematics in third grade so you can assist your child.

Mathematics Standards Guide for Parents - 4th Grade  provides a summary of what your child will learn by the end of fourth grade in mathematics in the state of Kansas. This guide will also give some examples of the mathematics in fourth grade so you can assist your child.

Mathematics Standards Guide for Parents - 5th Grade  provides a summary of what your child will learn by the end of fifth grade in mathematics in the state of Kansas. This guide will also give some examples of the mathematics in fifth grade so you can assist your child.

Individual Plans of Study (IPS): An Overview for Families  As students navigate through high school and into career and college, it is important that they set educational goals and create a roadmap for success. This roadmap, or Individual Plan of Study, includes the development of a flexible career focus and an education plan to assure a successful transition to further education after high school (post secondary education, i.e. technical, 2 yr. or 4 yr. colleges and universities) and/or the workforce. 

TASN Family Engagement Training Evaluation

Family Engagement Survey

Kansas Youth Suicide Awareness   provides an overview of the Jason Flatt Youth Suicide Awareness Act in Kansas, as well as providing a list of warning signs, potential causes, and available supports to help prevent teen suicide..

Juventud de Kansas Conciencia Sobre el Suicidio (Spanish) provides an overview of the Jason Flatt Youth Suicide Awareness Act in Kansas, as well as providing a list of warning signs, potential causes, and available supports to help prevent teen suicide.

MTSS Family, School, & Community Checklist

Family Engagement Surveys  A compilation of family engagement surveys.

Family Reading Activities Focused on the 5 Big Ideas of Reading  A resource of activities for educators and families on the 5 components of reading.

Spanish Panel Card  A resource for Spanish speaking families on family engagement.

Early Childhood Panel Card  A resource for early childhood families on family engagement.

KPIRC Panel Card  A resource on who KPIRC is.

Parent Involvement Panel Card  Brief resource on parent involvement.

Talking to Your Child's Teacher Panel Card  Information on how to talk to your child's teacher.

Motivating Your Middle School Reader Panel Card  Information on how to motivate your middle school reader.

Helping Your Child Succeed with Homework Information on helping your child succed with homework.

How to Have Productive IEP Meetings  A panel card on having productive IEP meetings.

Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS)  A panel card on Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS)

Kansas Pre-Kindergarten Guide  A guide for families with children who are pre-K.

Kansas Full Day Kindergarten Guide  A guide for families with children who are attending full day kindergarten.

How Can You Help? Stress & Childhood  A guide for families to recognize the signs of toxic stress in children and how to prevent it.

¿Como usted puede ayudar? Estrés e Infancia  (Spanish) is a guide for families to recognize the signs of toxic stress in children and how to prevent it.

Understanding ACEs and Resiliency  provides an overview of ACEs as well as strategies to build resiliency.

Entendiendo ACEs Experiencias Adversas de la Infancia (Spanish) provides an overview of ACEs as well as strategies to build resiliency.

Technology Tools to Enhance School-Home Communication  A guide of technology resources to enhance school home communication.

Stress and Early Brain Growth resource provides critical information on the types of trauma young people may face, the toll it can take on a child's mental, physical, social, and emotional health and ways to bring about resilience and healing. 

Kansas Family Engagement and Partnership Standards for Early Childhood provides guidance for families, practitioners, community members, and educators to examine current family engagement practices and plan future strategies to engage families in their children’s development and learning.

Kansans CAN: Engage All Families  The development of this framework was a collaborative effort to combine research and best practices to provide guidance for schools/districts, educators, practitioners and the community in the development of family-school-community partnerships to support the learning and social-emotional growth of children and youth. This Framework includes: 1) a shared definition for family engagement, 2) standards for family engagement B-12, and, 3) guidance for what each standard might look like in practice.

Kansas Youth Suicide Awareness is a resource for families on youth suicide awareness and prevention.

Family-Friendly Partnership School Walk-Through is a tour and evaluation conducted by a team of representatives selected by school personnel to help gather information on whether families and community members feel they are welcomed partners in the school.

Why Are Universal Reading Screeners Important is a resource explaining the importance of dyslexia screeners.

¿Por qué son importantes las pruebas de diagnóstico universales de lectura? (Spanish) is a resource explaining the importance of dyslexia screeners.

Engaging Families in Continuous Learning:  Tips for Educators is a guide to help educators engage families in continuous learning.

Remote Learning:  Together We Can Do This  is a resource to support educators in the engagement of families in their child(ren’s) learning from home.

Title I, Part A Annual Meeting Toolkit is designed to assist in the planning of all components required for the Title I, Part A Annual Meeting. 

Title I, Part A Annual Meeting and Benefits of Parent and Family Engagement PowerPoint is used with the Title I, Part A annual meeting toolkit. 

An Administrator's Guide and Checklist To: ESSA- Every Student Succeeds Act- Parent and Family Engagement is a guide for administrators about parent and family engagement across the federal title programs: Title I, Part A; Title I, Part C (migrant); Title III, Part A (EL); Title IX (McKinney-Vento).

Understanding PCEs-Positive Childhood Experiences is a handout that explains what Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) are and the kinds of activities and experiences that enrich a child’s life.

Entendiendo EPN Experiencias Positivas de la Niñez - Children (Spanish) explains what Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) are and the kinds of activities and experiences that enrich a child’s life.

Understanding PCEs-Positive Childhood Experiences (Adolescents) is a handout that explains what Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) are and the kinds of activities and experiences that enrich an adolescence child’s life.

Entendiendo EPN Experiencias Positivas de la Niñez - Adolescents (Spanish) explains what Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) are and the kinds of activities and experiences that enrich an adolescence child’s life

Writing a Parent and Family Engagement Policy is a resource designed to assist in the planning of all components required for the Title I, Part A Parent and Family Engagement Policy.

Developing a School-Parent Compact is a resource to support Kansas schools as they seek to create a school-parent compact that is mandated under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title 1 Part A.

How to Support Student Learning at Home is a resource for familes to help their child learn at home.

Bullying: What you Need to Know is a resource that provides information to families and educators on various types of bullying, risk factors, and what to do if a child is being bulied. 

Back to School Family Guide - Kindergarten  is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Kindergarten (Spanish version)  is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Guide - Grade 1 is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Guide - Grade 1 (Spanish version) is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 2 is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 2 (Spanish version) is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 3 is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 3 (Spanish version) is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 4 is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 4 (Spanish version) is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 5 is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 5 (Spanish version) is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 6 is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 6 (Spanish) is meant to support families and students academically in literacy and math. Of course, students will be learning other subjects too, but literacy and math are the building blocks for everything else.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 7 was developed so students and their families can understand the most important literacy and math content and skills students should learn at each grade level.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 7 (Spanish) was developed so students and their families can understand the most important literacy and math content and skills students should learn at each grade level.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 8 was developed so students and their families can understand the most important literacy and math content and skills students should learn at each grade level.

Back to School Family Guide - Grade 8 (Spanish) was developed so students and their families can understand the most important literacy and math content and skills students should learn at each grade level.

Back to School Family Guide - High School Literacy was developed so students and their families can understand the most important literacy (in English and other subjects too) content and skills students should learn in high school.

Back to School Family Guide - High School Literacy (Spanish) was developed so students and their families can understand the most important literacy (in English and other subjects too) content and skills students should learn in high school.

Back to School Family Guide - High School Math was developed so students and their families can understand the most important math content and skills students should learn in high school.

Back to School Family Guide - High School Math (Spanish) was developed so students and their families can understand the most important math content and skills students should learn in high school.

Family Guides: Education Words - K-5  is a guide that will help you understand terms/words educators use.  

Family Guides: Education Words - K-5 (Spanish)  is a guide that will help you understand terms/words educators use. 

Help Your Child Succeed in Preschool and Kindergarten.  Build the Habit of Good Attendance  This document offers great tips for families on why school success goes hand in hand with good attendance.

Supporting Your Child's Social-Emotional Health  This panel card explains how can you support your child during the transition back to school and during the year?

Kindergarten in Kansas  will provide an overview of important topics, which can assist you in preparations that are to be made prior to your child entering kindergarten. 

Jardín de infantes en Kansas (Spanish)  Este folleto le proporcionará un resumen de los siguientes importantes temas, los cuales pueden ayudarle con las preparaciones que hay que hacer antes de ingresar a kindergarten.

Chekechea ndani ya Kansas (Swahili)  Kijitabu hiki kinatoa taarifa juu ya mada muhimu zifuatazo, ambazo zinaweza kumsaidia mtoto wako kujiandaa kuingia chekechea.

ကန််ဆက်က်စ််ပြ􀂣ည််န်ယ််မှှ မှူလ တန်းး􀃡ကျော􀁣ာ􀃎င်းး (Burmese)  ယခု ာစ်သောာင်း်သည်် အာ မှူလတွန်် တွက်ရသောာက်ရန်် ကပြီ ် အကပြာင်း် ာ က ဖသောာ် ထာ ပ ါသည််။။

Kindergarten in Kansas (Arabic) This booklet provides information on the following important topics, which can help your child prepare for kindergarten entry.

Giáo Dục Mầm Non ở Kansas (Vietnamese)  Cuốn cẩm nang này cung cấp thông tin về các chủ đề quan trọng dưới đây, để có thể giúp con quý vị chuẩn bị sẵn sàng nhập học mẫu giáo.

Tips for Supporting Your English Language Learner (ELL) is a booklet that provides tips to help your child retain their home language, while learning English and succeeding in school. 

Play Helps Children Thrive  This panel card encourages and provides examples so parents to use play to help meet their child’s health and developmental milestones, beginning from birth. 

Your Child's Mental Health and Social Media This resources talks about the benefits and harms of social media with your child.

Kansas Curricular Standards and Your Child's Learning This card explains the Kansas Curricular Standards and why it is important for all Kansas families and caregivers.

Why is Structured Literacy the Best Approach  This handout explains why Structured Literacy helps students develop knowledge of language structure, which in turn supports both reading comprehension and writing.

Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) for Families is a resource on the ASQ questionnaires and provides a snapshot of the development of Kansas students in early childhood settings  and helps inform opportunities to improve kindergarten readiness statewide.

Raising a Reader is a panel card that gives tips on how to read with your child.

Understanding Your Child's Learning Progress is a panel card that gives ways to prepare and support your child for assessments.

Is Your Child Missing School Due to Anxiety? is a handout on how addressing anxiety is important for a child’s overall well-being, not just attendance.

Family Engagement Within Trauma-Responsive Schools is a panel card to encourage families and children to fully participate in programs created to support their trauma recovery.

Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved.