Universal Design for Learning


UDL PLC (3:00 Session)
3:00 to 3:45 pm
UDL PLC (4:00 Session)
4:00 to 4:45 pm


TIES Center
February 26, 2024

Universal Design for Learning

UDL Book Study

Teams may participate in an online collaborative book study using Dr. Katie Novak and Allison Posey’s book unlearning Changing Your Beliefs and Your Classroom with UDL

During the book study, participants will read the associated chapters, discuss and consider the reflection questions at the end of the chapter, and/or choose one of the resources provided by facilitators to further explore and put learning into practice. Allison Posey, author of unlearning, writes,  “The unlearning process is one of reflection, destruction, and change, but it is also one of learning and growth. We have colleagues who have implemented UDL and have experienced exponential success: increased graduation rates, a tenfold increase in all student cohorts on state standardized tests, an increase in the number of students taking AP exams, and decreased special education referrals and out-of-school suspensions.  When we see and hear of these incredible shitfs as a result of UDL, we want to share UDL with everyone.” (Posey, A., & Novak, K. 2020). 

Register for the book study on TASN events

Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.