Welcome to the 2021 Virtual KSDE Summer Leadership Conference for administrators and leaders of special education, early childhood, and title programs.
Additional Materials & Recordings of the live conference sessions will be posted after the conference.
IDEA State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report Stakeholder Input- PDF
General Session: Dr. Randy Watson, Commissioner
A1- ESSER Funds, Relief Aid, MOE, and EANS
A2- Title I Schoolwide: Creating a Well-Rounded Title I Program that Supports School Reform
A3- Indicator 6 - Early Childhood Least Restrictive Environment District Discussions
A4- Alternative Monitoring for Youth Detained or Incarcerated in Local Adult Detention Centers
B1- Title Programs for Non-Public Schools
B2 & D1 -Legal Updates on the Law of Special Education Part 1&2
B3- What's New in Teacher Recruitment
General Session: Dr. Brad Neuenswander, Deputy Commissioner
C1- Funding Early Childhood Programming Questions and Answers
Visit the KSDE Early Childhood webpage for the most up-to-date version of the Preschool Revenue Calculator and Budget Template.
C2- Licensure Updates
C3- McKinney-Vento Homeless Act
C4- Improving Inclusion through the Special Olympics Unified Champion School Program
D1 - Legal Updates on the Law of Special Education Part 2 Live Session Recording - ( 52:10 minutes)
D2- ACCESS + HIGH EXPECTATIONS = SUCCESS: The right formula for students who are blind and/or low vision in Kansas
D3- Data Quality
D4- State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 13 Quality Indicators Beyond Minimal Compliance
General Session- Legislative and Fiscal Update by Craig Neunswander Recording - ( 49:51 minutes)
You can watch all pre-recorded content now. We advise bookmarking this page so that you can reference all these resources throughout the year.