Intensive Intervention Practice Guide: Intensifying Check-In Check-Out for Students With or At-Risk for Emotional or Behavioral Disabilities
Check-In Check-Out (CICO), or the Behavioral Education Program (BEP), is one example of a targeted intervention used within a system of school-wide positive behavior supports (SWPBS). The core components of CICO include: (a) an adult monitor, (b) daily communication between adult monitor, teachers, parents, and students, (c) frequent behavioral feedback through the Daily Progress Report (DPR), and (d) reinforcement for appropriate behavior (Crone, Hawken, & Horner, 2010). CICO is typically implemented by school staff (i.e., teachers, paraprofessionals, or coaches) and is regularly monitored by a school’s behavior, SWPBS, or CICO team.