Webinar Description:
This webinar is designed to help those working with students with autism by giving an overview of common characteristics and providing some helpful tips and strategies for a successful school year. This presentation will include the following topics:
- Short review of the characteristics of Autism and how staff can learn more about Autism
- Checklist of needed for your new student with Autism (Reinforcement, Structure, and Visuals)
- Examples of supports for supporting your student's learning needs
- Variety of free online resources for the team in the areas of reinforcement, using visual supports, and behavior supports.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this webinar participants will:
- Understand basic characteristics of autism and how to access resources to learn more about different presentations of autism
- Learn important components to include in an educational program for individuals with autism including reinforcement, pairing, structure, and visuals
- Be able to access a variety of free online autism resources in order to learn more about autism and a variety of strategies to support individuals on the spectrum
Presenter Information:
Teri McGill is currently a Regional Coordinator for the Nebraska ASD Network. As a Regional Coordinator, Teri presents on a variety of topics related to autism and provides consultation and coaching for educators working with students birth-21 with autism or related disorders in her region. She taught Early Childhood Special Education for Lincoln Public Schools for 18 years. Teri holds a master's degree in Special Education from the Univeristy of Nebraska-Lincoln and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.