Login here: https://observations.ksdetasn.org/
2024-2025 Coaches Connect 9am - 10am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88478326236
January 27, 2024 https://vimeo.com/1056828029/458d824a95?ts=0&share=copy Book Study Chapters 7 & 8
During these interactive webinars Co-teaching Coaches have the opportunity to receive updates about upcoming events and resources, explore a variety of resources related to co-teaching and coaching, share coaching experiences with a network of professionals, examine current implementation by analyzing data from multiple sources, collaborate on projects and activities, and provide input into the ever-evolving training and coaching system.
During the Coaches Connect, there will also be time set aside for a book study on Elevating Co-Teaching with Universal Design for Learning by Elizabeth Stein.
This Google Folder is used to collaborate and share resources within the TASN Co-Teaching Coaches' Network Coaches Connect