Kansas Infinitec Coalition 2018 Assistive Technology Conference & Awards Luncheon Session 2 of 4: Mark Coppin

by Infinitec

Meet In Person
November 30, 2018 from 8:30 am to 3:15 pm
Check In
at 8:00 AM

Course Fee


Course description


Cost of Event:  Members: $75.00 - Non-Members: $115.00





Title: The iPad and Accessing the Curriculum for Students with Significant Challenges

Mark Coppin 


Click Here to watch a VIDEO explaining more about this workshop.



Today's devices are excellent tools for creating content for students with significant needs.  Content can be created to meet the unique learning needs and styles of our most challenging students.  They can be used to modify and differentiate classroom materials for each student in order to maximize learning.  There are many apps and solutions that can be used to easily create content for students.  In this workshop, participants will learn how to use various apps to create and modify content.  We will cover several categories including eBooks, videos, audio and communication.  Participants will be given ideas on how to create their own eBooks, shoot and edit videos, create their own music, create visual schedules, adapt tests and classroom materials, and create communication support for the classroom.  

Participants will learn how to identify what key features to look for when selecting apps for content creation.  We will also dicuss implementation strategies as well as best practices.  

Learning Outcomes:  

After completion of this workshop, participants will: 

  1. identify at least 3 accessibility features that can provide access for students.  
  2. name at least 3 apps for adapting the curriculum for students with significant needs.  
  3. Be able to identify at least 3 strategies to actively involve students in the curriculum.  


Learning Objectives

Refund Policy

Registration may be cancelled up to 14 days prior to the event for a full refund. Cancellations received within 14 days of the event will not be refunded. No-show registrations will also not be refunded.


November 30, 2018 from 8:30 am to 3:15 pm
Check In
at 8:00 AM
Double Tree Hilton Aiport Hotel in Wichita
2098 Airport Road, Wichita, KS 67209
Meet In Person 4.5 Professional Learning Contact Hours
Debra Eubanks
708-444-8460, Ext. 223
Mark Coppin
Director of Assistive Technology at the Anne Carlsen Center

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