
NCEO Tool 7 - Start with the End in Mind: An Infographic to Guide Decisions about Student Participation in the Alternate Assessment

This infographic is designed to provide guidance about decision making for a student’s participation in the state’s AA-AAAS, which is meant for a very small number of students with significant cognitive disabilities. Start with the End in Mind uses clear language to help explain how this importan...


Elementary (K − 6), High School (9 − 12), Middle School (6 − 9)


May 22, 2024

Secondary Transition Regional Training PowerPoint Slide Deck FY22-23

PowerPoint slide deck used at all of the in-person KSDE Secondary Transition Regional Training held in Wichita on October 6th, Topeka on October 11th, and Hays on October 13th.  Please review the additional resources posted for this workshop and additional Secondary Transition event resources ...


Middle School (6 − 9), High School (9 − 12)


August 08, 2023

NTACT- A Side-by-Side View: Transition Services

This document created by the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) shows A Side-By-Side View of Transition Services under Pre-Employment Transition Services, VR Transition Services, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. 


Middle School (6 − 9), High School (9 − 12)


August 08, 2023

Taking the Alternate Assessment Does NOT Mean Education in a Separate Setting!

The decision about which assessment a student takes is separate from the decision about where a student is educated. Participation in the alternate assessment does not automatically mean that a student is in a different setting from that of his or her same-age peers without disabilities. 


Elementary (K − 6), High School (9 − 12), Middle School (6 − 9)


November 01, 2023

Pictorial Interest Inventory

The Pictorial INterest Inventory is structured around eight different career fiels. Students choose their preference between three different career fields.


Middle School (6 − 9), High School (9 − 12)


April 01, 2024

Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.