
The Fluent Reader: Oral Reading Strategies for Building Word Recognition, Fluency, and Comprehension Book Study

The Fluent Reader is an excellent resource that could be used by regular and special educators who are looking for practical ways to build word recognition, fluency and comprehension in students’ reading. Tim Rasinski offers a research-based rationale for oral reading with many strategies includi...


Elementary (K − 6), Middle School (6 − 9), High School (9 − 12)


August 02, 2024

The ABCs of CBM: A Practical Guide to Curriculum-Based Measurement Book Study

This book answers the what, how, and why of CBM and provides a practical guide for conducting curriculum-based measurement in grades K-8. Information is provided to enable teams to assess student learning in reading, spelling, writing, and math, and to graph the resulting data. The focus is on ...


Middle School (6 − 9), Elementary (K − 6)


August 02, 2024

Carol Dissen Part 2: Using Instructional Routines to Enhance Core Reading

Systematic strategies and instructional teaching routines designed to enhance the delivery of Core reading instruction in a multi-tiered system of Tier 1 and Tier 2 support will be described. These instructional routines for kindergarten, first and second grade are directly relevant to practition...


All Ages


August 02, 2024

TSVI/COMS 2020–21 Evaluation Brief

An evaluation summary report provides an annual snapshot of outputs and outcomes for a TASN project. This is a brief summary highlighting some of the Teachers of Students With Visual Impairments & Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists Preparation and Mentorship project's 2020–21 achi...


All Ages


August 06, 2024

LGBT Students | SMH Resource

Found within KSDE TASN ATBS School Mental Health Initiative's School Mental Health Resource, this informational section discusses statistics important in understanding the experience of LGBT students, and provides helpful resources for schools.  Updated 2016.07


All Ages


September 02, 2024

Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.