SMHI Webinar: The Cutting Edge: Understanding Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Community Youth Populations, Part One


Presented by Dr. Janis Whitlock, The Cutting Edge: Understanding Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Community Youth Populations, Part One. Self-injury is intentionally hurting the body (e.g. cutting, burning, etc.) but without suicidal intent. Because it often looks like a suicidal gesture it tends to evoke fear and confusion. Why would someone choose to cut up or otherwise hurt his/her body in a way that looks like a suicide attempt but then insist that it actually has nothing to do with suicide at all? In addition to covering self-injury basics, this workshop will address effective detection and intervention approaches in institutional settings and best practices for early intervention and prevention using up to date science and practice strategies.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify contributors to development, maintenance, and cessation of non-suicidal self-injury. 
  2. Identify key features of self-injury epidemiology and function recovery.
  3. Understand key recovery processes.

Presenter Information

Janis Whitlock, Ph.D., MPH is the Director of the Self-Injury & Recovery Resources research program. Janis has worked extensively in the area of adolescent and women’s health and possesses formal training in Public Health and Human Development. She is particularly interested in the social, cultural, and contextual factors which influence adolescent development and identity formation. She has published in the areas of adolescent connectedness to school and community and, more recently, in self-injurious behavior in adolescents and young adults.

Certificate of Completion

TASN SMHI is a social work continuing education approved provider through the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board (BSRB) (KS BSRB Provider Number 18-011). 

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  1. Go to the SMHI Moodle site; complete the pre-assessment, view the archived webinar; and complete the post-assessment.
  2. A Certificate of Completion that you may download and/or print will be automatically populated.

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Video / Webinar / Podcast
TASN School Mental Health Initiative
Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.