Tri-State Webinar: Transition: It’s Never Too Early to Start: Transition Planning Across the Grade Levels


There is a stronger demand than ever to provide functional and “real world” skills to students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other disabilities. Although official transition planning usually begins in high school, outcome studies reveal the need for this planning to begin much earlier in a student’s life. This webinar will focus on how to implement functional and transition focused instruction and curriculum in elementary and middle school environments.

Learner Objectives:

After viewing this webinar, participants will:

  • Name the essential skills students need to be successful in post-school environments
  • Identify a variety of functional curriculum to be used across grade levels.
  • Identify instructional strategies and supports to be utilized in preschool, elementary, middle and high school settings, which will lead to greater success in post-school environments.

Presenter Information:

Kate Loving is the Educational Director at The Joshua School, which is a school that serves students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Developmental Disabilities (DD). For the last seven years, she worked for the Colorado Department of Education as an ASD Specialist, where she provided coaching and consultation to districts across the state. Over the past four years, she has worked with districts around the state of Wyoming to implement evidence-based practices for students with ASD and DD. She is a BCBA, and in her private practice, she specializes in working with young adults with ASD and significant behavioral and communication needs.

Certificate of Completion:

To earn a Certificate of Completion/Attendance for an archived Tri-State Webinar:

  1. View the archived webinar on our Moodle site
  2. Submit responses to the Study Questions (on Moodle)
  3. A Certificate of Completion will automatically be populated. Download and/or print.

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The webinars are listed by category and alphabetical order. The category for this webinar is Transition.





Self-Guided Training, Video / Webinar / Podcast
Family / Community, Administrators, Educators, Related Services / Support Staff
Elementary (K − 6), High School (9 − 12), Middle School (6 − 9), All Ages, Early Childhood (Birth − K)
TASN Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports (ATBS)
Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.