Designing Success: Inclusive Learning and Curriculum Access Using Universal Design for Learning

by Universal Design for Learning

Meet Online
December 11, 2023 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm
Check In
at 3:20 PM

Course description

Join us for a fabulous learning opportunity with national speakersDr. Jessica Bowman and Dr. Gail Ghere with the TIES Center 

Dr. Jessica BowmanDr. Jessica Bowman is a researcher with the TIES Center and the National Center on Educational Outcomes at the University of Minnesota. She began her education career as a teacher of students with extensive support needs and has experience developing, delivering, and evaluating professional development efforts at the state, district and school levels. Her research focuses on inclusion and access to the general education curriculum in mathematics for students with extensive support needs.

Gail Ghere

Dr. Gail Ghere is a researcher with the TIES Center and the National Center on Educational Outcomes at the University of Minnesota. She provides technical assistance and develops resources on effective inclusive education systems, Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) that are inclusive of students with extensive support needs and application of research-based practices that lead to positive outcomes for students with disabilities. Prior to joining the TIES Center, she worked in preK-12 education as a related service provider, special education coach, and Director of Special Services.


Designing Success: Inclusive Learning and Curriculum Access Using Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning is a powerful framework for providing access to the general education curriculum and enhancing learning for all students, including students with extensive support needs. But, how can general and special educators achieve this together? This webinar focuses on how general and special educators can proactively identify and remove barriers to learning and plan for accessible and robust grade level standards-based lessons for all students.


Learning Objectives

Participants will:

•           Identify barriers to learning in the environment rather than in the student

•           Apply the Universal Design for Learning framework to remove barriers to learning in the environment

•           Explore a collaborative planning protocol organized around accessing standards-based, grade level instruction for all learners

•           Consider how teams might use the collaborative planning protocols to integrate and plan for Universal Design for Learning for all learners in general education classrooms



Refund Policy

Registration may be cancelled up to 14 days prior to the event for a full refund. Cancellations received within 14 days of the event will not be refunded. No-show registrations will also not be refunded.


December 11, 2023 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm
Check In
at 3:20 PM
Meet Online 1.0 Professional Learning Contact Hours
Universal Design for Learning, Instruction within Inclusive Learning Environments
Janet Peters
Dr. Jessica Bowman and Dr. Gail Ghere
TIES Center

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